Tag: newsletter

Gridlife Festival – 02/22/24

Last year, my boyfriend and I got the opportunity to attend Grid Life Music Festival. I am someone who really enjoys the west side of Michigan, and my therapist who I had never met in person happened to live around in the same town as the festival. My boyfriend and I had only been officially […]

Shy People and Artists – 02/19/24

I’ve begun to fall back into love with life. It’s easy to disregard everything that we’ve worked for… everything that God has given to us… we have it so good, really. If you’re going through a struggle, I can surely understand. At the end of the day, the best thing about life is the choice […]

Life Update 01/26/24

Music I am so happy. I feel like before Hotel PROXOXIE, I really lost my passion in everything I was doing. I know God’s always got my back, but I truly was asking so many questions and was constantly in a state of discontent with my art. It is cool when you feel inspired for […]

Rave of the Year! – 11/03/23

The spam comments are getting more intelligent. Instead of spamming me with Russian text, random links and obvious sales messages, they started writing to me in the perspective of actual people. The only reason why I know it’s spam is because they attach these odd links to the username. Lots of strange ladies from Florida […]

Pre-save the Album!!! 9/18/23

I am so ready for this drop. I wanted to thank you guys for hanging on with me for this long. I am so proud and feel accomplished of what my team and I were able to do.

I apologize for the lack of blogs this month, I’ve been really burnt out tbh. I am back, though… and I am excited to do more stuff for this music project. Every day I work towards this, so I really do appreciate all of you who come on here and read this stuff.

My Dog’s Birthday – 8/30/23

This is the only window of time I can manage to write it all out. I like writing because it doesn’t require any equipment other than a computer, any computer. I can do this anywhere. I am home, it is 7:00 AM, I have to be out the door in an hour. Lately that’s all […]

Pyromania – 8/23/23

This blog has been delayed for over two weeks. I have been extremely busy between two jobs and traveling. I am enjoying every second of it, though. I miss writing to you guys (and the spam bots), so here is what we all missed. Thank you for reading. What I like about blogging is the […]