Month: April 2024

Eh – 04/28/24

I have been listening to the book of Ecclesiastes which was written by King Solomon in the Bible. It talks a lot about the pursuit of vanity, what God decides to give you and what you should derive pleasure from. God is a generous God to be completely honest. He wants to give to those […]

Life Update – 4/22/24

Hey, sorry I know it’s been a while. The social media has just been driving me crazy and I have been driving myself crazy to be completely honest. It’s a guilt complex thing, if I am not working to make money, then I feel like I am hardly working. I have been working towards strengthening […]

Dead Internet Theory – 04/13/24

Angel from Instagram suggested that I blog about this ‘Dead Internet’ theory. I’ve researched what it means on Wikipedia, and I am excited to say that I found out there was a creepypasta written about it too. Here is what Wiki says: The dead Internet theory is an online conspiracy theory that asserts that the Internet now consists mainly of bot activity and automatically […]

Spiritual Cancer – 04/10/24

Today was really cool, I am so fortunate that I have an incredible family that supports my every move. This month has been incredibly challenging, not gonna lie. I’ve been praying for strength so God threw me into a hole with my own demons. I really have been trying to fight them. I really do […]