Category: Friday Blog

Denton TX Recap – 07/23/24

Hey, I know I have been blogging less and less, but honestly it’s because I have just been running around to try to make something of myself in this world. With the help of my friends and family, I have accomplished a lot. I wouldn’t have been able to do any of this without them. […]

Before Coffee Blog- 07/07/24

I wrote this before my coffee… It makes me sad to see that I haven’t really been writing too many blogs. I guess I need to make the time to sit down and talk to you guys. To be honest, life has been confusing and exciting. It is hard to see past the confusion, but […]

I Am Really Bored – 06/21/24

the Summer of Swag starts now… love to be young, dumb and broke just like Khalid. Just trying to figure out what to do with my life, honestly. I’m the meanwhile, I made this fire song and my boyfriend took these fire pics. the Summer of Swag starts now… love to be young, dumb and […]

06/13/24 – Car Stuff

I know these blog posts are so random. I have been experiencing a lot of life. I know that there is more to life other than working, working, working. There are other purposes you can define yourself and identify with. For me, my faith is important and I have to grab hold of it and […]

Defining a Creative – 05/31/24

Dear Internet, My pen pal, my public confidant. Possibly the worst place to keep my secrets but someone out there will find it interesting. Today I went to the Chicago House Music Conference which was sponsored by the government in Chicago’s gorgeous cultural center. The conference itself was incredibly inspiring and I had the chance […]

05/22/24 – Grrrr Bark

Navigating Work Ok, so I am in the process of figuring it out. For the past year, I have worked a job… I thank God for this experience every day and I have met some incredible people. This position taught me a lot about the modern workforce and the college system. I am so thankful […]

Life Update – 4/22/24

Hey, sorry I know it’s been a while. The social media has just been driving me crazy and I have been driving myself crazy to be completely honest. It’s a guilt complex thing, if I am not working to make money, then I feel like I am hardly working. I have been working towards strengthening […]

Dead Internet Theory – 04/13/24

Angel from Instagram suggested that I blog about this ‘Dead Internet’ theory. I’ve researched what it means on Wikipedia, and I am excited to say that I found out there was a creepypasta written about it too. Here is what Wiki says: The dead Internet theory is an online conspiracy theory that asserts that the Internet now consists mainly of bot activity and automatically […]

Spiritual Cancer – 04/10/24

Today was really cool, I am so fortunate that I have an incredible family that supports my every move. This month has been incredibly challenging, not gonna lie. I’ve been praying for strength so God threw me into a hole with my own demons. I really have been trying to fight them. I really do […]