Month: January 2023

Top 10 Tunnels – Camera Blog

January 2021 – Michigan I love everything about these pictures. Gwen and I asked our co worker Sebastian to help us find tunnels in the woods in the middle of January. We were our hunter boots and went beyond trails in no particular direction. We were filming this YouTube series, the plot was not so […]

Car Ride #1 – Camera Blog

Welcome to a new series of blogs, I am honestly really excited for this. A lot of my content will be shifting to written format, as I am working to save up for a professional debut studio album ???? Is that what you even call it? I want to make something that is really good […]

Friday Blog – 1/13/23

It’s Friday the 13th! I used to plan scary movie viewing parties every Friday the 13th… Today I am going to work, but it’s fun work, I do box office at a venue. Since its Friday the 13th, and I love making lists, I am going to give you my top 5 scary movies… Number […]

Friday Blog – 01/06/23

It all started one evening on my birth week in December. I was hanging out with my friends Jacob and Olivia, when we got into a discussion of what the worst possible Christmas gift would be. I suggested an edible arrangement, since no one really wants to eat a days-old, mail ordered chocolate covered cantaloupe. […]