Month: August 2023

My Dog’s Birthday – 8/30/23

This is the only window of time I can manage to write it all out. I like writing because it doesn’t require any equipment other than a computer, any computer. I can do this anywhere. I am home, it is 7:00 AM, I have to be out the door in an hour. Lately that’s all […]

Pyromania – 8/23/23

This blog has been delayed for over two weeks. I have been extremely busy between two jobs and traveling. I am enjoying every second of it, though. I miss writing to you guys (and the spam bots), so here is what we all missed. Thank you for reading. What I like about blogging is the […]

Literally No Sleep – 08/05/23

Literally No Sleep Blog Photo Cover

Hello! I’ve been in Boston watching my talented niece ice skate for the week. I’ve been averaging 4-5 hours of sleep. I spent three nights in a hotel with my parents and they snore too loud, I had to sleep in the truck one night and in the shower the next night. Honestly, it wasn’t […]