Tag: music

One Year of Blogging! – 10/20/23

So we made it an entire year, blogging weekly… sort of. A lot has changed since October 21st 2022 in my music project, the world, in my personal life and my beliefs. I guess that is the definition of growth; Once we overcome challenges, we are able to say that we can tackle more. This […]

Pre-save the Album!!! 9/18/23

I am so ready for this drop. I wanted to thank you guys for hanging on with me for this long. I am so proud and feel accomplished of what my team and I were able to do.

I apologize for the lack of blogs this month, I’ve been really burnt out tbh. I am back, though… and I am excited to do more stuff for this music project. Every day I work towards this, so I really do appreciate all of you who come on here and read this stuff.

My Dog’s Birthday – 8/30/23

This is the only window of time I can manage to write it all out. I like writing because it doesn’t require any equipment other than a computer, any computer. I can do this anywhere. I am home, it is 7:00 AM, I have to be out the door in an hour. Lately that’s all […]

Pyromania – 8/23/23

This blog has been delayed for over two weeks. I have been extremely busy between two jobs and traveling. I am enjoying every second of it, though. I miss writing to you guys (and the spam bots), so here is what we all missed. Thank you for reading. What I like about blogging is the […]

Debut Album Update – 07/28/23

Proxoxie as a ballerina with a red curtain backdrop wearing a black and gray stripped scarf.

I am finally done with this album! Now it is time to promote it… I want to make this quick, but I will update you on whats been going on with everything. My team and I took these photos back in March. These are how they turned out There are more photos I’d like to […]

Journaling – 7/14/23

Every once in a while I’ll start to get angsty for change, or I’ll use social media too much to where it consumes most of my mental capacity and alters my ability to think correctly. Both of these things practically forces me to reevaluate my life. Luckily, I am an extreme note taker and I […]

No Sleep Preview – 6/16/23

Darling, It Wouldn’t Be a Party Without You… I am really excited to be announcing new music like every month. I finally feel like I’m back in full swing with it, it’s getting to a point where it is driving me a little insane, though. I just wanted to thank God for giving me my […]