Category: Friday Blog

Dead Internet Theory – 04/13/24

Angel from Instagram suggested that I blog about this ‘Dead Internet’ theory. I’ve researched what it means on Wikipedia, and I am excited to say that I found out there was a creepypasta written about it too. Here is what Wiki says: The dead Internet theory is an online conspiracy theory that asserts that the Internet now consists mainly of bot activity and automatically […]

Spiritual Cancer – 04/10/24

Today was really cool, I am so fortunate that I have an incredible family that supports my every move. This month has been incredibly challenging, not gonna lie. I’ve been praying for strength so God threw me into a hole with my own demons. I really have been trying to fight them. I really do […]

You’re Not Here- 03/31/24

The most hurtful thing to say to someone is ‘you’re not here’. Big city, small town is where I’m from where everyone is watching you from the corner of their eye. Now, I enter a part of my life where even more people are watching deliberately and are unapologetic. That’s how the real world has […]

If It Means a Lot to You – 3/09/24

This week, I wanted to create a transparent discussion about mental health. Mental health is important as we all know… it is imperative as humans to monitor the state of your wellbeing and happiness, as we can’t do much good at all if we’re in a bad place. It’s ok to be in a bad […]

Homesick – 03/03/24

God, I have a reoccurring case of home sickness. It’s so funny, because I wanted to leave so badly but now it seems that I can’t help myself but missing home so deeply. I figure, one day when I am back home I am going to want to run again. The cycle only continues, I […]

02/28/24 – Can You Promise?

Today, a very special piece from my upcoming project Hotel Proxoxie is coming out. The older I get, the more I realize the ways of the world and the less I get excited about things. That’s why it is important to actively maintain a childlike fascination of this world. I work in a very adult […]

Gridlife Festival – 02/22/24

Last year, my boyfriend and I got the opportunity to attend Grid Life Music Festival. I am someone who really enjoys the west side of Michigan, and my therapist who I had never met in person happened to live around in the same town as the festival. My boyfriend and I had only been officially […]

Shy People and Artists – 02/19/24

I’ve begun to fall back into love with life. It’s easy to disregard everything that we’ve worked for… everything that God has given to us… we have it so good, really. If you’re going through a struggle, I can surely understand. At the end of the day, the best thing about life is the choice […]

Life Update Again – 02/06/24

I know it’s been a while, and I haven’t been keeping up with weekly blogs. To be honest, I’m sort of tired of putting my personal life out there to the world. I am just going to do it anyway because for some reason, it makes me feel better about my stress. I just need […]

Life Update 01/26/24

Music I am so happy. I feel like before Hotel PROXOXIE, I really lost my passion in everything I was doing. I know God’s always got my back, but I truly was asking so many questions and was constantly in a state of discontent with my art. It is cool when you feel inspired for […]