Sims 3 Irrelevant – 05/05/23

It’s been a week since my announcement of my newest single from my debut album “Darling, It Wouldn’t Be a Party Without You…” and I honestly couldn’t be happier. There a part of myself that goes missing when I don’t release music in months, It’s my creative drive honestly, because if I don’t fuel it then I’ll be slightly drained until I drop more music. It could also be an adrenaline thing, because when I release something it feels like the same feeling as starting a new and exciting job.

Speaking of which, I started a new and exciting job! I don’t really want to say what it is on here, but its in the music industry! Its milestones like these where I thank God for giving me the resources and allowing me to get a good education in college. I feel like I made a good decision coming to Chicago and starting my life here, although it may be that I am in the red as of now… I know this investment is going to pay off.

When I was in Kindergarten, my teachers made me pick out a career to dress up and take pictures as. I chose to be a fashion designer because of this DS game I used to play called Imagine; Fashion Designer. I got so into this career thing at the age of 6/7, that my mom used to buy me those fashion drawing templates with the model already drawn and I used to design clothes and stuff. This is actually a great segway into talking about my merch line… Of course this is shameless promo…

It hasn’t been too obvious, but I do have a shop! I want to showcase some of the pieces here…

This is something I made last summer, and yes, it is on my mannequin. Moving the mannequin from apartment to apartment is a completely different story, and yes, it does scare me when I walk by it at night. I really like this piece because it took me so long to make and its really cute. Same goes for all of my customs.

Out of all of my clothes, this one took me the most time to make. It’s the cover of my single “Greatest Freakout Ever” which is featured on my project “Live, Laugh, Lobotomy”.

This was a cool project, this one is off the market because I am mostly likely going to wear it for a music video or a show or something. I couldn’t resist keeping it because it was my favorite project. I got my inspiration for this one because everyday when I go to the subway, I walking into a Nordstrom to get to the subway entrance. When I pass through the store, I see all the really cool mannequins with the designer fits, and it gives me inspiration. I take pictures on these mannequins all the time and study what the stylist throw on them.

In no means am I trying to be a fashion designer for my career, its just a small side passion project of my passion project. I have way too many passion projects, that’s because I have a lot of passion. Besides starting another new job, I have been working really hard on completing school. I have one more semester to go after this. Its the end of the school year, so I’ve been attending seminars put together by my college by industry professionals. A reoccurring theme I’ve been hearing this week from the industry professionals is that when they reflect on their accomplishments, they make an effort to reflect to see if their 7 year old self would be proud.

I’ve been doing this to, I believe I’d be more than proud. I’ve accomplished so many things, I guess my next goal after this album drops is to make money and give back to the community in some way. I want to do more volunteer work this summer, honestly. I’ve been doing so much for myself, I want to do more for God and also for others. God has already given me so much, its about time that I devote some time to praise him.

The reason why I write about God a lot is because my faith is a part of my life, and if I were to tell myself that a year ago I honestly would laugh. There comes a point where if you see so much demonic shit in your life, you start questioning if there’s a God. Eventually, I came to the conclusion that there is a God because if the Devil exists, then so does a light force, so I’ve been trying to grow closer to God. I want to take the opportunity to grow spiritually this summer and to bond with those who practice being spiritual. In terms of religion, I am always on a journey of discovery… Its fascinating to learn about different people’s testimonies and their faiths with different religions and sects and everything.

Spirituality keeps me grounded because I have really bad anxiety, I don’t want to say its extreme but I don’t know what to compare it to, so I can’t measure the severity. I just know that it interferes with a lot of things in my life for better and for worse. For better because I am always on time for things because I get so anxious if I’m late or if I miss a deadline, for worse because it takes a toll on my overall health when I’m on high alert all the time for no reason. I’ve gotten much better about it though, with the help of God. I feel like I can relax and take my time more often now. Last year, my anxiety got so bad that I would have to physically force myself to lay down and think about nothing in order to de-stress. I am thankful its not like that now.

Anyway, I’d like to announce that there will be a Sims 3 video for Irrelevant! It’s sorta dumb and its sorta funny.

I love blogging to you guys, I know that one day I’ll look back on these blogs on this page like I do my personal diaries, and I’ll probs be crying or some shit. It’s crazy how you can measure your own growth with writing. I can’t wait to drop more things for this album <3 I’m trying not to half ass everything along the way.

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