Tag: proxxx

Irish Hills – 3/17/23

Over the last few weeks, I’ve been piecing together what is going to be included in my debut album. The whole thing is a lengthy process and I don’t think it will be out until the end of the year, maybe in November. I am so used to putting out music every month, but I […]

Reading Month – 3/10/23

It’s been a while since I’ve actually sat down and enjoyed myself while writing one of these newsletters. Of course, I love doing this. I’m excited about this album; it’s been my motivation to finish all of my other work. I’ve had to really push through the last couple of weeks but I know that […]

My Woods – Camera Blog

While living in the city, I am able to look back at these pictures and appreciate them even more than I did back then. I am eternally grateful that I grew up where I did. the wildlife has always been a conversation starter. My dad has this garage where the red squirrels like to live. […]

Valentines Day Week! – 2/17/23

There has been so much that happened, I am extremely thankful to God for the people that spent their Valentine’s week with me. I went on so many adventures and had amazing conversations. This was probably the best Valentine’s week I ever had in my life. I enjoy Valentine’s week because I like to emphasize […]

Quick Sand – Camera Blog

January 2021 – Michigan I hope Gwen doesn’t kill me if she sees this. Sometimes, I question why we do the things we do and why I’d want to experience small, detail oriented, chaotic moments like this. I think this is what makes life passionate. This is what makes you truly claim your life to […]

Friday Blog – 12/30/22

This week has been so busy for me. I meant to blog earlier in the week so I wouldn’t have to do it today, but I just finished up working a seasonal job which is transitioning into another part time job. I’ve adapted this mentality to enter into the workplace each day with a huge, […]

Friday Blog – 12/23/22

Happy Friday! And also, happy holidays! Whatever you celebrate towards the end of the year, I hope you are celebrating it with the people you love. Every year, my family asks me what I want, and I give them a spread sheet of the things I need. Not to support consumerism or anything, I just […]