Tag: camera

Confidence – 06/02/23

In Chicago there is this really long trail that hugs Lake Michigan. I believe it starts in Edgewater where there are these apartment buildings on the edge of the lake, literally the waves are able to crash at the foundations of these buildings. The trail ends in South Shore which is close to the Indiana […]

Sims 3 Irrelevant – 05/05/23

It’s been a week since my announcement of my newest single from my debut album “Darling, It Wouldn’t Be a Party Without You…” and I honestly couldn’t be happier. There a part of myself that goes missing when I don’t release music in months, It’s my creative drive honestly, because if I don’t fuel it […]

Irrelevant – 4/28/23

I am literally so so so excited to finally be back in dropping season. I feel like my entire life revolves around making ad publishing music and content, so when I don’t do anything as an artist for a while, I get nervous. I am thankful that everything is going amazing and I finally have […]

Irish Hills – 3/17/23

Over the last few weeks, I’ve been piecing together what is going to be included in my debut album. The whole thing is a lengthy process and I don’t think it will be out until the end of the year, maybe in November. I am so used to putting out music every month, but I […]

My Room – Photo Blog

Growing up, I had two rooms in two separate households. I got to decorate them as I pleased. In one of the households, I painted the walls a dark brown which resembled black. I used to hang up curtains and tapestries on the window to block out the sunlight, then I would turn on all […]

Short lil Blog – 02/24/23

The past few weeks, I have rushed through these newsletters. Life’s intensity seemed to be growing week by week, but today I am allowing myself the opportunity to do what I want to do which is write to y’all. Let me just start with this: I made the most amazing breakfast sandwich today… It wasn’t […]

My Woods – Camera Blog

While living in the city, I am able to look back at these pictures and appreciate them even more than I did back then. I am eternally grateful that I grew up where I did. the wildlife has always been a conversation starter. My dad has this garage where the red squirrels like to live. […]

Valentines Day! <3 - 2/14/23

I love Valentines Day because I love love. This is going to get really redundant, but I just wanted to show off the people/dog in my life that have made life so amazing and worth living for. I can’t thank these amazing people/dog enough for everything they’ve done for me, but I can blog about it.