Journaling – 7/14/23

Every once in a while I’ll start to get angsty for change, or I’ll use social media too much to where it consumes most of my mental capacity and alters my ability to think correctly. Both of these things practically forces me to reevaluate my life. Luckily, I am an extreme note taker and I have been journaling since before I can even remember… I can fill up bins and bins with my writing. I’ve had a lot of time to journal and write to myself, so I started blogging to begin to build my own little space on the internet.

One thing I learned when I was studying web development, is that I realized that everything on the internet is just a page of code. Websites embody sheets of HTML and CSS. Words are the tools that the websites embody, they give each page their character. I am blessed to know that a few of you read these blogs and see this, I feel like I tread water on the internet by writing these passages.

Anyway, I was feeling really reflective and I decided to go through an old journal from 2020 and see how far I’ve come with this album. I am really excited to show you guys the project I’ve been working on for a year. In the meanwhile, I made a vlog so I hope you guys enjoy it. I might have to make more of these in the future because they are fun and you guys seem to like them. Thank you once again!

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