I Am Really Bored – 06/21/24

the Summer of Swag starts now… love to be young, dumb and broke just like Khalid. Just trying to figure out what to do with my life, honestly. I’m the meanwhile, I made this fire song and my boyfriend took these fire pics.
the Summer of Swag starts now… love to be young, dumb and broke just like Khalid. Just trying to figure out what to do with my life, honestly. I’m the meanwhile, I made this fire song and my boyfriend took these fire pics.

I remember being in middle school in the locker room… the moment I realized all I wanted to be was a musician was so casual. It felt right… there wasn’t anything else I wanted to do with myself.

the thing about being a musician, is you have to eat shit for a while and bum off people. It’s really important to give back what you are able to. I really tired doing a normal job, I just self destructed. I don’t think I can ever do something normal where I just sit there. I’d rather be busting my ass for something than doing nothing. I want to challenge myself and do bigger things.

I am excited for my first tour because this means I will be touring as a musician for my career. It feels so surreal… and surprisingly, I have my parents support on this. It is so important to have a support system. Without that, I am unsure where I’d be… probs making it work maybe. If it wasn’t for the strength God gives me everyday, I don’t know what I’d do.

I am writing a book about being an indie musician and how to kill it in the game. You really need a lot of stamina and hope. I think the hope part is the hardest because you are constantly comparing yourself to others while you settle for a job that allows you to be flexible with your time.

in order to be creative, you need to be inspired. I have been trying my best to figure out how to get inspired… lately, inspiration just comes to me because it is summertime, I’m in love and I am able to have a part time job that lets me do music.

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