Friday Blog – 01/06/23

It all started one evening on my birth week in December. I was hanging out with my friends Jacob and Olivia, when we got into a discussion of what the worst possible Christmas gift would be. I suggested an edible arrangement, since no one really wants to eat a days-old, mail ordered chocolate covered cantaloupe. Olivia took well to the idea and decided to write and submit a 50 word flash-fiction of this concept. One of my favorite reasons why I love talking to Olivia is because it always feels like I’m reading a book instead of holding a conversation with her.

“Once I plopped into the crab bucket, life had been unbearable for generations. I clawed out seeking a softer-shelled roommate, whom abandoned a package outside.

Her box drew rats, then flies, then me. Reading through the chew-hole, cloyed by moldy cantaloupe, I could just make out the balloon ‘Happy Anniversary’.”

I asked her what the crab thing meant, she responded with this:

“it’s a reference to the sociological term “crab mentality” based on a behavior in crabs. when they’re trapped in a bucket, crabs will prevent one another from escaping, so that can apply to groups of people, whether families or workplace or community cultures, when people in that group feel threatened by any perceived advantage an individual has and tries to tear them down, subconsciously for the sake of everyone staying stagnant/enmeshed. the crab bucket is kinda like plato’s cave except no shadows just fight or flight lol.”

Lol indeed.

I thought I would include this story in this weeks newsletter because I think it deserves another platform.

So I’m working on a new series of blogs which will premiere next week. Here’s what I got:

“Camera Blogs:

I never really shared my camera footage with you guys, unless you found my Tumblr, but even then I did not explain every moment I’ve captured on this camera from my childhood. I know it’s really trendy to carry one of these nostalgic cameras around at raves, but honestly, I love the quality of it. When pressing the shiny silver button on top, the camera chimes, waits a few seconds, then flashes an alarmingly bright light. It captures every moment so concisely because of this small and awkward delay between the time the button is pressed to when the picture is taken. Now I’m going to show you my favorite pictures, I’ll give you the context behind them as well.

I don’t care if I’m only writing these for myself, honestly. I feel like I’m digitally archiving my own life. I feel like in my daily life, I am always putting on a face and playing a part. I find my true self in these pictures, though. I am emotionally connected to my art as well. My music is the moments itself embodied in a story. I’m thankful for my voice, as its both an instrument and a means to speak freely to the world.

One of my favorite things to do is look at maps. I like to look at different coasts. I eventually want to get my boating license. My dad owned a boat growing up, I wish I pushed myself to get a boating license back then. I remember talking to this person from France, they told me that they got their license for free at the engineering school they attended. That just made me more interested in France. So I’ll go onto 3D Satellite maps and look at the Seine.

I would want to take the boat out somewhere where I can just go for miles. I love it when the Seine turns into country side. I’ve always loved weeping willows.

Friday I get to focus on my art because I blog and post to social media every Friday. This is also the day of my radio show, Deep Dark Tunnel. This week we are premiering a special mix by Tendryl. I personally love Tendryl’s music and have been playing it on air for the past 2 years. Tendryl was also featured in Fight Night 14 in Brooklyn. Here’s a picture:
Check out my radio show Deep Dark Tunnel:

I don’t really talk about my radio show a lot. We just merged it with Ascend Network’s social media if you remember that. I work on it with two other admins; Sage and Lauren. Tonight we’re going live on air with some special guests. I wish I had more time to blog, I’ll explain more about my radio show and my history with Andy Thussy Warhol’s fight nights… It’ll have to be in a special blog dedicated towards it all. There are so many ways to fall down rabbit holes through art. In the meantime, tune into Tendryl’s mix tonight!


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