Category: Friday Blog

Dreamz – 7/7/23

In this vlog I talk about some of the drams I’ve been having recently… I’ll type them out. Dream 1: Had a dream I was chillin at my dads house until the fire alarm went off. I was confused as to what was burning as there was no fire. I stayed outside with my dad […]

Cabin Trip – 7/3/23

First thing first I want to promote the most recent release I have: I am soooo happy that I am dropping music again. I am really excited for this era of my artistry!! Thank you so much for sticking around lollll, I really do appreciate having an audience to share this art with. I had […]

No Sleep Preview – 6/16/23

Darling, It Wouldn’t Be a Party Without You… I am really excited to be announcing new music like every month. I finally feel like I’m back in full swing with it, it’s getting to a point where it is driving me a little insane, though. I just wanted to thank God for giving me my […]

All About Irrelevant – 6/11/23

Read Lyrics Here I would like to start this off by saying THANK YOU. Thank you to all of you for being so patient with me and my newest material. Thank you to the new comers who found out about this drop through my campaign. Thank you for the old comers for coming back to […]

Confidence – 06/02/23

In Chicago there is this really long trail that hugs Lake Michigan. I believe it starts in Edgewater where there are these apartment buildings on the edge of the lake, literally the waves are able to crash at the foundations of these buildings. The trail ends in South Shore which is close to the Indiana […]

Sims 3 Irrelevant – 05/05/23

It’s been a week since my announcement of my newest single from my debut album “Darling, It Wouldn’t Be a Party Without You…” and I honestly couldn’t be happier. There a part of myself that goes missing when I don’t release music in months, It’s my creative drive honestly, because if I don’t fuel it […]

Irrelevant – 4/28/23

I am literally so so so excited to finally be back in dropping season. I feel like my entire life revolves around making ad publishing music and content, so when I don’t do anything as an artist for a while, I get nervous. I am thankful that everything is going amazing and I finally have […]

British Reality TV – 4/21/23

I have come across a new website and I am obsessed with it. I love rabbit holes, let alone British rabbit holes. This website is devoted entirely to British reality TV, which right now has been a release for me. British reality TV occupies a small space in my head because of the concepts, honestly. […]