My Dog’s Birthday – 8/30/23

This is the only window of time I can manage to write it all out. I like writing because it doesn’t require any equipment other than a computer, any computer. I can do this anywhere. I am home, it is 7:00 AM, I have to be out the door in an hour. Lately that’s all […]

Pyromania – 8/23/23

This blog has been delayed for over two weeks. I have been extremely busy between two jobs and traveling. I am enjoying every second of it, though. I miss writing to you guys (and the spam bots), so here is what we all missed. Thank you for reading. What I like about blogging is the […]

Literally No Sleep – 08/05/23

Literally No Sleep Blog Photo Cover

Hello! I’ve been in Boston watching my talented niece ice skate for the week. I’ve been averaging 4-5 hours of sleep. I spent three nights in a hotel with my parents and they snore too loud, I had to sleep in the truck one night and in the shower the next night. Honestly, it wasn’t […]

Debut Album Update – 07/28/23

Proxoxie as a ballerina with a red curtain backdrop wearing a black and gray stripped scarf.

I am finally done with this album! Now it is time to promote it… I want to make this quick, but I will update you on whats been going on with everything. My team and I took these photos back in March. These are how they turned out There are more photos I’d like to […]

Journaling – 7/14/23

Every once in a while I’ll start to get angsty for change, or I’ll use social media too much to where it consumes most of my mental capacity and alters my ability to think correctly. Both of these things practically forces me to reevaluate my life. Luckily, I am an extreme note taker and I […]

Dreamz – 7/7/23

In this vlog I talk about some of the drams I’ve been having recently… I’ll type them out. Dream 1: Had a dream I was chillin at my dads house until the fire alarm went off. I was confused as to what was burning as there was no fire. I stayed outside with my dad […]

Cabin Trip – 7/3/23

First thing first I want to promote the most recent release I have: I am soooo happy that I am dropping music again. I am really excited for this era of my artistry!! Thank you so much for sticking around lollll, I really do appreciate having an audience to share this art with. I had […]