Valentines Day Week! – 2/17/23

There has been so much that happened, I am extremely thankful to God for the people that spent their Valentine’s week with me. I went on so many adventures and had amazing conversations. This was probably the best Valentine’s week I ever had in my life. I enjoy Valentine’s week because I like to emphasize how important it is to love the people that love you. I’m not talking about romantic love; I’m just talking about compassion. I made an elaborate plan for galantine’s day, the day the follows after Valentine’s Day. Actually, I made two elaborate plans and had my gals choose which one they wanted to do. I have this obsession over making detailed plans (with room for flexibility, of course).

Ok, I caved. I got my iPhone fixed and I’ve been using it. Honestly, I am not too disappointed in myself because I have adapted flip phone practices like not checking Instagram daily. I’ve even stopped my obsessive scrolling. Navigating the city is much more efficient without my head constantly in my phone. The phone itself is super addictive, so I’ve been keeping it contained in a hot pink bubble mailer. I notice that when I go on my phone, everyone around me goes on their phone too.

For galentinesday, we wanted to do dinner and a movie, so we planned to take a train up to this Mayan Temple art deco theater from the 1920s. I got us a reservation and put that we were celebrating friendship as our special occasion. We got on our train then arrived at the random suburban town. At the sushi restaurant, the waitress was really nice. She told us about how her boyfriend bought her a forever rose that lasted like a year or something. She said she really wanted a big bouquet of not-forever roses because the forever roses are just as expensive as a huge bouquet. We told her that her boyfriend loves her and wants her to last forever. After that, she gave us free desert to celebrate our friendship.

Anyway, we made it out of the sushi restaurant without too much financial damage. I ordered the best sushi I ever had to this day. It was once of those special maki rolls and I split it with my girls Ayu and Lauren. When we got out of the sushi restaurant, we missed the movie :(. It was actually so funny, we took a train all the way to a faraway town to go eat sushi and then we came back. I still had a blast with my girlz <3.

Us eating at the Sushi restaurant
This is my Ayu and Lauren when we got to the movie theater!

I don’t really know what else to talk about. This week flew by. I guess I can talk about my debut album and its roll out. The projected date is September 1st. I am really excited because I have never really released a professional project. I guess it’s about time.

The Shattered Souls show went well; I want to make the mix available on my SoundCloud so I might post it later. I just wanted to remind y’all to look after one another at these events. There could be someone in the crowd who might need help because their safety is in danger. It’s important to stay vigilant while you’re having fun. If one person is threatened, then the whole community is threatened. Make sure that your friends are safe, that they are having a good time, and have a way to get home.

I’m keeping this blog short this week because today is a really busy day for me, but I’m going to make it a priority to have that makina mix up on my SoundCloud by next week!


Stay safe! I love you guys.

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