Tag: hyperpop

Quick Sand – Camera Blog

January 2021 – Michigan I hope Gwen doesn’t kill me if she sees this. Sometimes, I question why we do the things we do and why I’d want to experience small, detail oriented, chaotic moments like this. I think this is what makes life passionate. This is what makes you truly claim your life to […]

Car Ride #1 – Camera Blog

Welcome to a new series of blogs, I am honestly really excited for this. A lot of my content will be shifting to written format, as I am working to save up for a professional debut studio album ???? Is that what you even call it? I want to make something that is really good […]

Friday Blog – 1/13/23

It’s Friday the 13th! I used to plan scary movie viewing parties every Friday the 13th… Today I am going to work, but it’s fun work, I do box office at a venue. Since its Friday the 13th, and I love making lists, I am going to give you my top 5 scary movies… Number […]

Friday Blog – 01/06/23

It all started one evening on my birth week in December. I was hanging out with my friends Jacob and Olivia, when we got into a discussion of what the worst possible Christmas gift would be. I suggested an edible arrangement, since no one really wants to eat a days-old, mail ordered chocolate covered cantaloupe. […]

Friday Blog – 12/30/22

This week has been so busy for me. I meant to blog earlier in the week so I wouldn’t have to do it today, but I just finished up working a seasonal job which is transitioning into another part time job. I’ve adapted this mentality to enter into the workplace each day with a huge, […]