Introduction There’s a story behind this newsletter. When my iPhone broke, I had forgotten to upload this blog to my computer. I found a way to get it back though. This was supposed to be sent out last Friday, but of course I had to take care of my phone situation. Its been a week […]
Tag: friday
It all started one evening on my birth week in December. I was hanging out with my friends Jacob and Olivia, when we got into a discussion of what the worst possible Christmas gift would be. I suggested an edible arrangement, since no one really wants to eat a days-old, mail ordered chocolate covered cantaloupe. […]
This week has been so busy for me. I meant to blog earlier in the week so I wouldn’t have to do it today, but I just finished up working a seasonal job which is transitioning into another part time job. I’ve adapted this mentality to enter into the workplace each day with a huge, […]
Happy Friday! And also, happy holidays! Whatever you celebrate towards the end of the year, I hope you are celebrating it with the people you love. Every year, my family asks me what I want, and I give them a spread sheet of the things I need. Not to support consumerism or anything, I just […]
So, I’m looking at how many Fridays there are left in the year, and I’ve noticed that there are 4 more left, including today. This year went by incredibly fast again, and I feel like a completely different person with the same habits. Now, these habits stick out more than ever to me. The feeling […]
This Friday I am teaching a seminar about journaling your goals and setting habits. Naturally, I resorted to journaling an outline of what points I’ll be addressing. Goals and habits are an essential part in my daily routine. Time moves my life along, but my goals are the tool which helps guild me and my […]