Andy “Thussy” Warhol Fight Night – 2/10/23 Friday Blog

This week has been really productive for me. I have this tendency to get really nervous if I don’t have any tangible results of productivity throughout the day. I have adapted well to this and started a productivity journal where I list all of the things I’ve achieved during the day. I have also decided that I want to get a tattoo on my arm that says “check planner” because it would be really resourceful. I have not yet seen a wave of utility based tattoos trending, but maybe I’ll be the first. Here’s my other idea, I am going to get left and right tattoo’d on my hands. Under pressure, I seem to forget which way is left and which way is right. I feel like I would pay good money for this.

Anyway, I’ve been so busy during the week. I don’t think this blog is going to be too long, since it’s already 12:30 AM on Friday morning and I have to get up early. Tomorrow is another one of those busy days where I’ll be DJing an underground venue in Chicago called Bookclub. I am going to be playing hardstyle, makina and scottish MC music. Message me at proxoxie@gmail for the address!!!

This is the flier for the rave, I have no idea what I am going to wear!!!!!!

This week I bought lots of music for this rave. I also spent a lot of time on the Andy Thussy Warhol Fight Night 19 dj mix. Andy is out in L.A at this moment, I am really excited for their big fight. I covered this in my vlog a little bit, but I am going to go more in depth here.

I am going to make a much longer video about my involvement with Fight Night. First, I need to collect all of the footage. There is a lot of it roaming around the internet somewhere. I think my favorite Fight Night was the one in Brooklyn. There always seems to be some sort of formulated chaos surrounding the Fight Nights. I need to describe what I’m even talking about.

What is Andy “Thussy” Warhol Fight Night?

I can’t even begin to answer this. I can give the sappy answer first. It started off as an art project, but it’s turned into a more personal documentation of Andy’s (and my own) life experiences in some weird way. It totally encompasses the structured chaos we both emulate as working artists. It all started with Andy’s meme account. They went live on Instagram with this idea to do cinematic professional wrestling with a goddamn painting because they are an eccentric artist with multiple personas (and multiple meme accounts).

Andy’s meme accounts gained a lot of following over the years, but as any successful meme account’s story goes… it gets removed by Mark Zucc for “inappropriate content”. To be fair, its true… but its all satire. The life span of a meme account is limited… I honestly think this problem is highly attributed to the general community, as good memes are centered around chaos and controversy.

Here is Andy Thussy Warhol Fight Night #1, in the woods of Ohio

I was a fan of Andy’s meme accounts before I even knew what fight night was. I think it was fight night #3 when I commented on their post. I wasn’t expecting a responce, but I’m glad I got one. After that, we became collaborators and then we became friends. We went live on Instagram together for something… It might have been a fight or a prelude, I honestly forgot. Shortly after that, Andy told me about their plans to go to Brooklyn and preform this in a park, where it got shared by New York Niko. It was the perfect right place right time scenario.

At the time, this had given Andy’s previous account an influx of followers. Sadly, this was only a good 15 minutes of fame before Mark Zucc deleted their account. I remember that some really famous artist even had followed their old account. Andy was devastated, but that never stopped them from being themselves and making their art.

Andy asked me if I could meet them in Brooklyn to DJ at the park. I had then responded by planning a show in Brooklyn with my friends Cleo, Gwen (azurae), and Tendryl. The show was hosted at this interesting venue in Greenpoint called House of Spiti Costa. At the time, I had been working with a good friend named David to stream shows, interviews and content onto a brand called Ascnd Network. (AScnd later went on to merge with my media brand “Deep Dark Tunnel”). We were going to stream this onto our Twitch, but that fell through due to the Omicron virus. I remember being with Gwen at the airport on the phone with Cleo. We were contemplating whether we should cancel the show or not. Ascnd was defiantly out, since we didn’t want to endorse huge gatherings in the midst of a Covid breakout.

We decided to downsize the show, and we did not expect to make any money whatsoever. We hosted the Fight Night as a limited private event and had everyone wear a mask. Then, we streamed the big fight onto Instagram. The biggest flex aside from the cool flier was that we had Moschino Dorito host the thing.

The flier for Fight Night 9, Hello Brooklyn

I sang an intermission during this fight as well. I think it’s important to watch the live and to listen to the song I recorded for this event. It was really special to me because this had been the first time that I met Andy in person.

Fight Night 9 “Hello Brooklyn” was where this picture was taken.

So after this, no one got Covid at the party thank God… we decided to try the show idea again during the summer. This time, it was hosted in Chicago. I interned at this place called Wholesome Zine and they allowed us to use the shipping dock for the big fight. It is insane that during the time between the Brooklyn and Chicago show, Andy had already made about 5 other fight nights!!!!

For this Fight Night, I wanted to feature bands/ musical acts to add to the experience. Wholesome Zine helped me organize this event, shout out to them. I hired Yung Chegg to perform alongside the Something In the Shadows and Home Entertainment. I had also hired a comedian named Jesus to host and be an announcer for the fight. Lets just say, this was the most chaotic line up I’ve ever organized. It was hilarious, though because Yung Chegg was wearing a duck suit and he came out of a box. Everyone did amazing by the way, I was too focused on DJing to take any pictures. I am really sad because of this.

This is my favorite Fight Night video ever.

It really deserves more attention. Anyway, your girl needs to go to bed. I thank God for another day, I am so grateful that I am surrounded by talented and driven people like Andy. Go show some support, guys! Love you all


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