Rambling About Music Stuff – 7/21/23

I am really preparing to give you my all, I’d like to slowly start teasing the album that my team and I have been crafting for you…

Really, this album has been i the works for three years and I did not even know it. Every song has been intentional and deliberate, I anticipate that the music will live on and hopefully, I will be able to experience it with you all at its full potential.

Currently, I am typing this at my public library down the street. I absolutely love libraries because I am the type of introvert that likes to be around people but I am not the type to be overtly social without cause or reason.

I wanted to share with you my feelings over the past few months because it has been an irregular year for my artistry. I have been viewing music in a completely different light. I began studying music theory again, as I am a piano teacher as one of my side jobs… I believe that if I ever won the jackpot and never had to work again, I’d still be giving piano lesson. Music theory has really expanded my sound over the years, if there are any music theory nerds out there, what is up <3

Proxxx at a show

I wanted to pick myself up out of scenecore and drop myself into my own category. I have never been the type of person to belong to any collective unless it were to be an art project with a concept like Skeleton Cove… I do think collectives are cool, but I really never have been able to fit because I like to stand out and shine all on my own.

Although, I don’t get it completely on my own as there has been so many people with different skills and talents who have been along for the ride of this album. I may be paying for it all out of pocket, but I’d prefer it to be this way, I’d rather contract someone and pay their rate than take a loan from a label to be completely honest. I understand that there are different types of deals in the record industry that don’t involve taking your copyright, but I’d rather work alongside a label rather than under one.

That’s always how I’ve moved, I’d rather hold the bag and put myself accountable for everything I do under this project because this is my passion, this is what I work my day jobs for. I can’t say that this is my purpose, as my true purpose is to follow what God tells me to do.

Although, I may not have a robust audience, I would rather have the real ones than anything else. To me, I never anticipated that my following would even reach this level and I am thankful for you guys everyday. I really want to serve y’all and not just myself when it comes to this music stuff. What I mean by that is, I believe in authentic art experiences where you and I can connect like this… Imagine if y’all popped out to one of my shows, what do you think the energy should be like?

I believe shows are a completely different beast that I have some experience in, but not on a bigger scale. I throw shows when the homies pop into town and we just want to get together. I’ve thrown shows the fundraise in the past for things, but I have never really thrown shows on a touring scale or anything too legit… It has usually been on some DIY grind but the community was there to show love.

With that being said, I want to tease the idea of a Proxoxie debut party show happening on September 20th! I have reserved a space, so we will see how this ends up happening. The goal of this show is to literally release my album, this will be the night that we can all come together and vibe out here in Chicago. Also with that being said, the debut album is dropping on September 20th!

I literally hibernate until it is spooky season, then I come out with the drop. <3

Speaking of drop… Just wait until Sunday wit the video~!!!

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