My Room – Photo Blog

Growing up, I had two rooms in two separate households. I got to decorate them as I pleased. In one of the households, I painted the walls a dark brown which resembled black. I used to hang up curtains and tapestries on the window to block out the sunlight, then I would turn on all of my lamps and red light bulb. I am a moth, I love lamp <3. At the other house, the walls were painted white. I would paint different things on these walls and invite my friends and family to do the same. I wish I had more pictures of these paintings. I would open the blinds to the windows of this room, as we lived on a quiet street near the forrest. I would often look out of the windows and listen to the birds that inhabited a corner of the gutter with a nest. My dad tried removing this nest, but the birds kept coming back to this corner with a new home each time. These birds would aggressively wake me up at 4 or 5 AM in the morning with their loud chirping, and I would be able to see their shadows fluttering through the blinds. It’s more than important to remember where you came from.

My favorite corner of my old room. When I moved out, my parents painted the walls white again.
There was this crawl space in one of the rooms. I had written down the names of members of my family.
The tiles in the crawl space.
My messy desk, I always seem to have a messy desk. Too many projects, not enough time.
I used to paint on my walls, but when I moved to the city, my parents had painted over them
I took this picture with a disposable camera. I love how over saturated it is. It’s totally unedited.

When I was younger, my dad bought these glass little things. I had collected a few after and always thought of him. I love these little trickles and tiny details. They remind me of how beautiful the small things are.

Now its time for the countless mirror selfies I took in a different room of my old house.

I miss this room a lot, I was so proud of how I had decorated it.

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