Friday Blog – 1/13/23

It’s Friday the 13th! I used to plan scary movie viewing parties every Friday the 13th… Today I am going to work, but it’s fun work, I do box office at a venue. Since its Friday the 13th, and I love making lists, I am going to give you my top 5 scary movies…

Number 5


There really is no coherent order to my list of favorites, as they do change… every single day… Nothing is truly my favorite favorite. Now, I’m not film buff. I like Creep for a couple of reasons. I like that its sort of awkward and funny. Its told through the lenses of a camcorder. Josef, our creep, hires Aaron to film his life in this cabin in the woods. Josef explains that he has an inoperable brain tumor and is expected to die before his pregnant wife Angela gives birth, so he wishes to have Aaron record a video diary for his unborn child. To me, the rest of the movie is captivating as it spirals into an ironic spectacle of suspense… It feels like I’m watching Micheal Scott from the office obsess about someone and plot to kill them… My favorite thing about this movie is the pure nostalgia I feel. I’ve grown up close to the woods, opening family vacations in minimalistic liminal cabins decorated with wooden blocks that say “live, laugh, enjoy life” hung on the walls.

Number 4

Silence of the Lambs

The first time I’ve watched Silence of the Lambs in all of its entirety was when I went to New York for the last time and visited my friends Angel and Cleo. Angel wanted to put on Silence of the Lambs because it was recommended to him by someone. I loved the story telling throughout the movie. It makes me almost desperate to read the book.. there were so many little details that were illustrated in a haunting way, yet made sense. for example, how Buffalo Bill raised and killed exotic moths. Buffalo Bill liked to capture robust women, keep them alive by barely feeding them so that they starve, then he kills them and uses their skin to make a skin suit because Buffalo Bill believes he is a trans person and wants to wear women’s skin. The movie illustrated that Buffalo Bill is indeed not interested in being trans because it is part of his identity, he’s interested in being trans because of its concept. Sort of like how he’s interested in the transformation of larvae, to caterpillar, to cocoon, then to moth. It’s the strange little fascinations, the niches in this world that we are drawn to which really illustrate our true nature.

Number 3

Killer Clowns from Outer Space

Now, there are so many reasons why I have watched this movie over 20 times. I’m obsessive, if I like something enough, I’ll want to live in its world. I love Killer Clowns from Outer Space. I love the cheesy soundtrack that likes to reiterate itself in different movements like an orchestra of 80’s glam metal guitars, I love the clowns that kill people in really funny and stupid ways, I love the characters and the shallow roles that they assume, then of course the

Number 2

Human Centipede

A part of me likes to say that this is on my top five for scary movies because of its shock factor. It is an experimental film with a curious concept. It was obviously some Dutch man’s dark shower thought which later became conceptualized. To be historically accurate, Tom Six (cool last name, btw) first came about this idea when joking with his friends about punishing a child molester by stitching his mouth to the anus of a “fat truck driver”. I really have to immerse myself in the world of independent European horror films… Perhaps I’ll have to tweet at a film student to comprise a good list of recommendations for me… hahaha 😉

Number 1

Eyes Without a Face

As much as I’d love to gate-keep this movie, I’d also like to make it known to the world, as it once has been my primary motivation for making art… In 2020, I hired a videographer to help me produce a vision and I had asked my friend Alayna to pose for me as a dead person. I wrote a song called Scab, I am very proud of the lyricism so I’d like to share;

and picking and scrapping my scab
my teeth clenching
and chewing and biting the wound that I opened
flesh is exposed black and blue as the bruises enclose
and the blood spills on you

Rethinking of you
and biting your neck
and feeling your waist as I’m
scraping your back
Thinking of you is like picking a wound
I wish you would chew off your skin like I do

I like my wounds tight
my blisters will split as I
peel off the bones from what’s underneath skin
Rebuilding your body to look just like you
with the softest of skin for my liking to chew

The words speak for themselves, but the video is fun to explain. I had never watched Silence of the Lambs before making this… I now see that there are so many similarities… But the primary inspiration was the movie Eyes Without a Face. Notice the ghastly white dress that I’m wearing… Let me show you the exact pictures I modeled my looks after.

I shopped vintage for this one at one of my favorite vintage shops in Michigan. I wasn’t able to find a gown that resembled a lab coat, but I was able to find this beautiful lace white dress that I totally degraded with red food coloring a corn syrup, the recipe for DIY blood. Next halloween, I’d like to be this costume again. I did it in 10th grade, the execution wasn’t perfect… maybe this time it will be sufficient for for my almost futile perfectionism 🙂

The opening scene of this movie shows a figure wearing a latex, black trench goat while dragging a body into a river. For my Scab video, I had this talented videographer named Dean drag a generator out into the woods by a river. Its funny, I remember a couple of things now… I remember that the moths were very much attracted to the umbrella lamps we’d positioned in the woods… Here is a picture I took from the shoot… I really hope that Dean’s umbrellas didn’t get ruined.

Extra Favorite that I Forgot About

American Psycho

The main reason why I gravitate towards this movie is because its set in my favorite city, New York City. The dude, Patrick Bateman, is a sociopath… a very funny one with that being said. The whole movie is ironic and is staged to illustrate social hierarchies within Wall Street and how the social etiquette in wealth will live your life for you. That is my personal interpretation, please comment on this blog or email me at if you have a hot take.

The last piece of exciting news I have for you today, My first show of the year! Matt Vega is a very talented DJ, I’ve seen him spin before and he’s really professional too. Mad respect. I’m excited for this show because it is post apocalyptic themed… I am spinning a 30 minute set. I’m honestly really excited, but I’m fighting with myself for what I want to spin. Either it will be industrial hardstyle techno, or Spanish and Scottish Makina… Comment if you want, I’ll defs be posting the mix somewhere.

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