Donuts and… Death? – 08/16/24

Hello internet! My name is Molly Tramell, I live in America and I am the queen of Dunkin Donuts. I had under 150 points on my account, which was enough to order a pack of three small donuts. I ordered it late enough at night, so the Dunkin lady gave me sooo many extra donuts! I am really excited. I cannot possibly eat all of these, so I am waiting for my boyfriend to come home from work to help me.

Today is another average day of unemployment. I am in lifted spirits because this summer has taught me a lot. I have learned to be patient and just wait on the next opportunity. There’s no point in being absolutely miserable all of the time just because I feel like I have no purpose.

I went to two funerals in the month of August. The first funeral was for a man that never really left the house much. The people there went because they wanted to support the wife. The second funeral was for a relative of mine, and it was very sad when he had passed.

I suppose that I learned a lot about life through death. At the second funeral, the pastor said something that made me really think. He told us that when we are in the womb, getting ready to come into the world, we are too comfortable and scared to do so until life forces you out. He says that God wants you to experience living – everything that has to do with living. Finding love, making friends, enjoying the creation of life and so on… When we die, we ask God for a little more time. But when we are reunited with those we lost in heaven, we never look back at the world. Life is too good in the sky to want to return to this planet.

When we leave this world, every debt is forgiven, every investment is reclaimed, and all that money we made dissolves. I looked around to those who were attending the funeral in the audience and realized that the most important thing about life is the people who will be in that room with us when we pass. Then, I started to think about all of the blog posts and journals I will leave behind. Who will take them? Will the paper be so old that it will tear and dissolve? Will my blog subscription come to an end? I don’t have to think about these things, but I couldn’t shake the feeling of curiosity.

This week, I started reading other internet people blogs. This world has forgotten about blogs because social media, so that is why I am really happy that I can be apart of writing internet diaries. I just like seeing a glimpse of other people’s realities.


  1. i remember once i was trying to buy a sandwich when i found out my debit card was stolen 🙁
    but then the employee gave me the sandwich for free! idk why, but dunkin donuts ladies are always the kindest

    1. omg hello, so nice to hear from you… been getting so many spam comments in multiple languages from bots. Yes, Dunkin employees are really sweet and Starbucks employees are really creative.

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