Cabin Trip – 7/3/23

First thing first I want to promote the most recent release I have:

I am soooo happy that I am dropping music again. I am really excited for this era of my artistry!! Thank you so much for sticking around lollll, I really do appreciate having an audience to share this art with.

I had an extremely chill week at this cabin in Michigan. I got to take the Ranger out to town and off the roads. We drove it up to a natural beaver dam and saw a couple of swans and many many bugs. I love that I am able to hang out at a beautiful place with my family and friends. We also put the electric boat in the water and went around the lake. I stayed in a bedroom facing the lake, I always shut the blinds before I go to sleep because honestly it’s sort of freaky having a view of the woods in the dark.

It was nice to have a stairwell that goes directly down to the lake like this. I love ferns, they my favorite plant, there were many ferns here. There’s really no other feeling then being secluded in the woods with no phone service, time goes by really slow you still do a lot in the day. I like that I can just read and not wear makeup all day, and walk around in boots through the woods whenever I want, and try to figure out the VHS and DVD players in the living room to watch an old movie.

My favorite part of the trip this time around was that I drove the rangers over to the neighbors place and invited them over for BBQ. This super skinny and pretty older woman pulled up on me on a four wheeler and then came over for chicken BBQ that I helped my dad make.

There were also these dogs who were literally the best dogs ever. I really bonded with each of them, they were really friendly and good natured animals.

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