Pyromania – 8/23/23

This blog has been delayed for over two weeks. I have been extremely busy between two jobs and traveling. I am enjoying every second of it, though. I miss writing to you guys (and the spam bots), so here is what we all missed. Thank you for reading.

What I like about blogging is the mystery. You never know who is reading out there… Of course, I get the occasional spam comments that I have to flag as spam (like 15 a week)… and sometimes I get discouraged, thinking that the spam bots are the only ones out there. Some of the spam comments are pretty entertaining though, I get a lot of Russian porn accounts on here. I also have been getting casino comments recently too. But on days like this, I get really sentimental because I know that my work on my art is making a difference in the world.

When I was growing up, I turned to music as my outlet. I am a very emotional person, and sometimes that gets in the way of opportunities. Sometimes I have trouble seeing opportunities because I am too focused on how things make me feel. I don’t ever think that my sentimental nature is bad at all. I don’t consider my art my main career since I work two jobs and I make my money elsewhere. Honestly, I could spend my entire life like this.

All I want is the time and resources to make my art because I have too many ideas that live in my head. I’ve executed every single one of these ideas and I’ve seen people become inspired along the way. I’ve seen beautiful things during this journey. I’ve lost and found God through art and music. I am only 21, but I feel like I’ve seen so much.

I want to make it a goal to come out with a new album every year. My past goal used to be to come out with singles every year… but now I’d rather make a collective piece of art and string it together with content and fun marketing. I want the people who enjoy my art to feel inspired and seen. I want everyone who listens to my music to be nice to each other and know the value of respect. It took me some time to learn how to respect, and I continue to learn to this day.

This is a single I made about two years ago. I was really insecure about it, but it came to mind recently and I thought others would relate to it. I never really questioned why my songs are so dark until recently. I use music as an outlet. I feel like I should write about happier things like love or life but I’d feel like I would be neglecting the details which I’m introspective about.

Sometimes I wonder if I shouldn’t be making dark music or if I shouldn’t be so personal on here. Honestly, this is my passion and I will fight for it. I will forsake things for it like I have in the past. I want the freedom to express myself because honestly, it’s all too heavy to carry with me.