Quick Sand – Camera Blog

January 2021 – Michigan

Gwen and I wanted to finally go in this Tunnel by the river in the middle of January at 11 PM at night.
The mud by the bank of the tunnel was soggy. I remember immediately piercing through the thin layer of ice, then mud plunging into my hunter boots. Gwen got the worst of it, her boot had completely filled up with mud and was beginning to sink to the bottom of the river. In this moment, I thought about all of the animals that had died in this very spot, and how their bones were mixed in somewhere with conglomeration of mud, water and ice. It was also in this moment when I decided to pull out my camera with my muddy hands and take a picture of Gwen struggling.
Heres a picture of me after we crawled out of the mud. At this point, we were thankful for our lives, and accepted the mess and what we had to soon clean up.

I hope Gwen doesn’t kill me if she sees this.

Here’s what my boots looked like
I have no idea what transpired us to do a photoshoot in the midst of all this. I love this picture so much because of the subtle bags under my eyes which give way to the truth behind whatever the fuck we just did.
Here’s Gwen washing out the inside of her boots in the middle of January in my parents drive way, The entire time, they were watching us on the security camera.
Our futile attempt to clean the insides of our boots with soapy water in the freezing cold past midnight.

Sometimes, I question why we do the things we do and why I’d want to experience small, detail oriented, chaotic moments like this. I think this is what makes life passionate. This is what makes you truly claim your life to make your own.

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