Extreme Midwestern Girl – 09/06/24

It’s fall, I have to officially start new things. I don’t really know what is going to happen, this is something that I can’t predict. I have been stuck for a couple of months on deciding on a direction to take and I can confidently say that I have found something! Also – I added ads to my website and I’m really starting to hate them so I promise I will tone them down a little bit.

The music industry is fun, creative, risky, exciting, and dangerous. All of these things in which I enjoy to an extent. I have enrolled again at the college I just graduated at and I am taking classes just to figure something out and foster a relationship with my professors. I have a morning talk show on Mondays at 9am in attempt to start my week off fresh. I will be talking about businessy things like a #boss.

I discovered AI with photoshop and I have been having a lot of fun making these Seagull-themed pictures. Not a lot of people understand these yet, but I have really been loving birds lately.I have decided to embrace the most midwestern side of me. I am at that age where I am confident in my body, mind, soul and in my geography… Enjoy these vlogs of what my life is ACTUALLY like..

One of my best friends in life who I went to high school with performed for the first time at a bar in Detroit called Parts and Labor. Check out her beautiful voice here:

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