A Year Since the Debut – 09/21/24

It’s been officially 1 year since the debut of my first album “Darling, It Wouldn’t Be a Party Without You…”

It’s important to reflect on things, to be honest it doesn’t feel like it’s only been a year. It feel like it’s been YEARS.

Bookclub, the venue that hosted our 09/20/24 Wednesday party, has closed iconic old Broadway Street location in search for a new space to peruse bigger shows. The space was only 60 cap, but it was crafted with love and dedication by Cam Stacy and TYGKO. I’ve attended a few of their last shows at the old location, and it is missed. Thankful to get the opportunity to have hosted a few of my own events there.

I am happy to say that I keep in touch with the same connections that I had last year. I will be performing with Zootzie in an upcoming show on October 4th hosted by Tian and Xadvoi. I am working on a new couple of songs with Wee Pow. I still date my boyfriend who came to support me a year ago on 9/20/23 and we still hang out with the same friends who were there. Lauren will be managing me again for a college practicum class, and I still collaborate with Dropcat, in fact a new song by us will be coming out in less than 3 days! I still keep in touch with Yung Chegg, as he has mimed with me for a previous show as well.

Since the party, I have played 15 shows including a Summer Tour. I plan to play 40+ shows in a year one day. I have also released 16 songs since then. I plan to release at least one song every month. Lately, it’s been weekly songs with videos which I am super proud of.

NOTE from 01/03/25

Not sure why I never released this, I think I gave up midway but just wanted to publish this and tell you guys that it means the world to me that you are along for this journey.

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