02/28/24 – Can You Promise?

Today, a very special piece from my upcoming project Hotel Proxoxie is coming out. The older I get, the more I realize the ways of the world and the less I get excited about things. That’s why it is important to actively maintain a childlike fascination of this world. I work in a very adult world now a days, and I’m surrounded by people who have seen more life than me. I’d like to make it a goal to break out of the mundane every day. For me, this means spending my waking hours with God.

God has been a pain point for a to talk about in the past, but I feel liberated now a days to speak freely about him. It’s a relationship that is irreplaceable. I used to scorn of the mention of his name, so you can imagine what it must have been like for me to suddenly transition into someone who praises the Lord. I used to be incredibly embarrassed to share my faith because I wasn’t ready for the persecution.

It is important to remember that people are the reason why people are hesitant to come to God. People have the ability to make something as miraculous as the creator of the universe appear to be worthy of scorn. It is almost lame to identify as someone who follows Christ in this society. I had to give up all conventions of my previous life. I was heavily involved in drugs, mischief, and violence. My thoughts were suicidal, my lifestyle wasn’t sustainable. This is how I left Detroit.

God came to me randomly and still comes to me randomly. It’s strange when you encounter that he has never left… he never will leave.

This is what the song “Can You Promise?” Is about. The song starts off with empathy; I feel you now. I feel that you feel alive and that is incredible. When the song comes around to how I am feeling, I am unable to put a label on it. What I feel is complex and ever evolving, as that is what it means to be human. God is someone who will never fall off his throne, he will never change the way he feels about us. He feels love so we can feel alive.

The question is asked: Do you wanna be my everything?

The criteria follows: But can you promise anything?

Humans will never be able to fully promise anything, let alone keep their promises. We likely will always find a way to make a promise towards our self-interests rather than those of others. Through my lifetime, I have learned to never fully rely on human beings, but to love them still.

As much as I’d like a human to be my everything, they simply will never be able to. God will. That’s my testimony of faith.

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