I’ve been in Boston watching my talented niece ice skate for the week. I’ve been averaging 4-5 hours of sleep. I spent three nights in a hotel with my parents and they snore too loud, I had to sleep in the truck one night and in the shower the next night. Honestly, it wasn’t too bad and I most likely could have fallen asleep, but I am a really light sleeper so its harder when there’s an isolated noise for my brain to concentrate on.
I’ve fallen asleep in taxis and on airplanes, but I really do struggle with falling asleep in other public areas. If I’m really tired, I will catch a wink but the smallest noise can wake me up.
I had the most detailed and disturbing dream the other night too… I can type it out, it literally felt like a movie.
“Had the craziest dream that I was living vicariously through some random made-up dream girl and she got kidnapped by a serial killer who would have teeth in cereal boxes and stuff like that. The serial killer would show her that and she would get so disturbed. She didn’t want to get murdered, so she suggested that she marry the serial killer. To her surprise, he agreed.
The girl slowly goes crazy and starts to show up at the same bar on some beach in Zion, IL where you can see Toronto (Geography doesn’t work in dream worlds). It looked like the city in another one or my dreams (the one with the giant sky bridge I had to drive on in New York). She begins to walk around the bar and repeat some crazy shit to all the customers, trying to lure people in.
Four years later go by and her family begins to get concerned. Her brother who looks like my brother begins to snoop around in his house and bedroom and he finds all the tools and supplies. He starts to build a case on the boyfriend. Finally, he calls the cops and the girl gets scared.
The boyfriend serial killer did not get caught.
He drove this older car and would carry rope and other things around with him. The mayor of the town was catching on too.
Finally, the serial killer boyfriend was taking score at some baseball game and he plummeted from the top or the score board onto the metal canopy and no one seemed to notice except the girl. She looked actually concerned.
After the boyfriend dies, she becomes even more crazy and just looses it and repeats all her crazy words around the bar in Zion and through the bleachers of that same baseball stadium where the boyfriend died.
It was revealed that he hid his supplies in the walls. the mayor of the town once pulled over on the side of the road to find the boyfriends car back when he was alive. He opened the trunk to see his ropes and things but never arrested the kid even though he knew it was his car. ”
I sent this dream synopsis to my friend Lauren and she said “Whaaa?”.
Hopefully my dreams don’t get too crazy anymore, I really do lose sleep over it. Anyway, my flight back to Chicago is boarding so I gotta go. Hope you enjoyed the freaky nonsense.
Also, here’s some pictures Jakey took of Lauren, Olivia and I from the Rudeclub show at House of Blues Chicago on the Emo Rave tour!