Month: August 2024

Donuts and… Death? – 08/16/24

Hello internet! My name is Molly Tramell, I live in America and I am the queen of Dunkin Donuts. I had under 150 points on my account, which was enough to order a pack of three small donuts. I ordered it late enough at night, so the Dunkin lady gave me sooo many extra donuts! […]

Critical Thinking – 08/05/24

This is a random stream of consciousness. I started a new job working as a host in a restaurant. I am honestly pretty excited. People say that it is an easy job, something that pays well. I am glad I have something to get me up in the morning… Something to look forward to, something […]

San Antonio, TX – 07/20/24

San Antonio was an eye opening experience. We pulled into the town and immediately went to the Guitar Cetner where we met someone named Cheryl who was a sales lady who worked in the audio department. We purchased a last minute interface to use to connect my laptop on stage to run stereo sound. In […]